
Trelis 16.5 新機能




  • 自己交差防止アルゴリズムを改良しました。
  • サイズ非統一時のメッシュ品質が改善しました。
  • ボリュームグラデーションの性能を改善しました。
  • 不連続なジオメトリでの三角メッシュがよりロバストになりました。


  • グラデーション、最小・最大サイズの制御が向上し、より粗いメッシュを含むグラデーションが可能になりました。
  • メモリ管理の改善により、クラッシュを低減しました。


ITEM ウィザードの機能であった分解サジェストツールをwebcut コマンドパネルに追加しました。Trelis がボリュームのメッシング可能性を診断し、メッシング可能でないボリュームの分解方法を提示します。


ITEM ウィザードの機能であったソース・ターゲットサジェストツールをMesh コマンドパネルに追加しました。メッシング可能なボリュームに対し、スイープメッシング可能なソースとターゲットの組(ソリューション)を提示します。

Lite メッシュの機能強化

Lite メッシュは、高速な読み込みと簡単で効率的なグラフィクス操作を可能にする、軽量なメッシュ表現です。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。

Trelis 16.5 では、Lite メッシュに以下の新機能を追加しました。

  • ショートカット'n'(選択エンティティの一覧表示)で表示されるリストにLite メッシュ要素を追加しました。
  • Lite 要素のハイライト及び描画機能を追加しました。
  • モデルツリー上で、Lite 要素を含むブロック、サイドセット、及びノードセットのアイコン表示を変更しました。





ITEM ウィザードは、モデルのデフィーチャーやメッシング準備のための便利なツールを数多く備えています。Trelis 16.5 では、よく使われる機能をコマンドパネルにもまとめたことでアクセスが容易になり、またカスタムツールバーでの利用が可能になりました。

  • 微小なフィーチャーの除去
  • メッシュ可能性の診断
  • ブレンドサーフェス(フィレットなど)の検出
  • ギャップ及びオーバーラップの管理
  • インプリント・マージの管理
  • 強制スイープ
  • ソース・ターゲット候補の表示
  • 分解ソリューションのサジェスト

新機能: Remove Blunt Tangencies

新しいコマンド’blunt tangency’を追加しました。このコマンドは、フィレットなどによって微小な要素が発生し、時間刻みが小さくなる部分に対して有効です。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

コマンド: blunt tangency vertex [remove_material] [angle ] [depth ] [preview]






Gambit Neutral ファイルに対応

Gambit Neutral ファイル形式に対応しました。コマンドパネルからGambit Neutral ファイルをインポート・エクスポートする際は、キーワード:gambit neutral を使用します。(キーワード:gambit のみを用いると、.dbs ファイルが指定されます。)







グラフィクスサブシステムをVTK 8.0 にアップグレードしました。



Python スクリプトタブ




  • ノードとフェースに荷重をかける機能を追加しました。
  • モデルツリー上でマテリアルを右クリックすることで、選択したマテリアルの編集と適用が可能になりました。
  • ブロックに対する品質チェックが実行可能になりました。
  • バーチャルジオメトリを含むサーフェスのスティッチによるボリューム作成が可能になりました。
  • ITEM ウィザードのウィンドウを独立させました。
  • 複雑な形状において、コマンド:'create surface from curves' が成功しやすくなりました。
  • CubitInterface に新機能:double evaluate_exterior_angle_at_curve(int curve_id, int volume_id) を追加しました。




Trelis 16.4
Issue Description
[SM-274] Unable to pickwidget select volumes for boolean operations with draw active
[SM-275] Fix Fire Ray creation, default entry field to surface to match the default button (volume)
[SM-291] Preview of Collapse Angle resets the panel
[SM-663] PickWidget has wrong type when trying to create vertex by picking on Curve
[SM-736] Uncaught exception when picking from the tree
[SM-782] Unexpected geometry sweep direction using target volume
[SM-845] Multiple extended selection dialogs
[SM-893] Cubit crashes on SHELL8 element deletion
[SM-942] Restore the 'consolidate' functionality in the FluentExporter.
[SM-974] Trelis crashes on thex after failing imprint mesh command
[SM-985] get_nodeset_nodes_inclusive doesn't return high order nodes
[SM-987] Group 'Add Entities' checkbox option sends equals instead of add command
[SM-989] GUI Imprint volumes command also merges
[SM-990] Quality panel changes default action
[SM-991] Webcut with general plane and node/vertex doesn't work
[SM-996] Toolbar does not save new toolbar or buttons
[SM-1001] Crash from clicking on group in Extended Selection
[SM-1005] Fix Index out of Bounds exception when saving groups
[SM-1023] Highlight Surface when Highlighting Volume
[SM-1024] Trelis Activation window message for successful activation has "&Close"
[SM-1025] Uncaught exception - Index out of bounds - when merging volumes
[SM-1026] HDF5
[SM-1027] Update Journal icons
[SM-347] Support 'Reverse' option on the volume align command panel
[SM-964] Add command shortcut to script tab
[SM-969] Add webcut meshability and suggestion command panel
[SM-997] Add support for 'lite' exodus meshing import/export to the GUI
[SM-94] Group Copy GUI
[SM-245] Change tree to remove sheet bodies.
[SM-488] Remember last location rather than returning to Set Directory
[SM-548] Add Context Menu Options to Boundary Layers in Tree
[SM-605] Add CGNS export option to GUI
[SM-769] Add 'Locate' context menu entry to genesis entities and bcs in the tree.
[SM-776] Use updated tetmesher with faceted geometry
[SM-874] Provide access to ITEM Set Source and Target tool from the Sweep panel
[SM-920] ITEM Done button needs to be separate from the scroll view.
[SM-940] Upgrade tetmesher MG 2.4-5
[SM-971] Add support for Gambit Neutral File Import
[SM-972] Add support for Gambit Neutral File export
[SM-973] Add Import and Export to the File toolbar
[SM-977] Add Gambit import to the import file menu
[SM-998] Add toolbuttons for import and export to the main toolbar
[SM-1000] Create user-friendly message for when a network license is in use.
[SM-1002] Allow sorting in the Add To Existing Containers dialog
[SM-1007] Enable NASTRAN large field format
[SM-1016] Fix the Sheet Body section of the tree to show complete entity hierarchy
[SM-1017] Add Body Tree view to the Tree
[SM-1018] Modify Flat Tree and Body List Views
[TR-13216] Fix problem with tet4/trishell3 mesh
[TR-15995] Fix Torus tri-meshing accuracy
[TR-15997] CT Scan Generated STL import error
[TR-16021] Line number references in Python script run-time errors are off
[TR-16053] Not exporting a sideset
[TR-16080] Fix Tetmesher crash
[TR-16084] "free mesh manipulations move node to location of another node"
[TR-16112] Enhancement request - support element thickness attributes
[TR-16230] Strange unite all behavior
[TR-16255] Exodus-based surface mesh sizing by function
[TR-16279] Problem drawing element quality on large model
[TR-16280] Problem visually thickening shell elements
[TR-16331] Preserve node set when import exodus file
[TR-16387] transition elements exported/imported incorrectly
[TR-16421] Feature request - move meshed curves
[TR-16422] Crash in clipping after deleting mesh
[TR-16455] Fix Imprint & Merge Issue
[TR-16503] Trouble importing a genesis file as Mesh Based Geometry
[TR-16548] Fix crash when using include
[TR-16594] FEA pressure PATRAN neutral file export for quad9
[TR-16661] Problem with mesh-based geometry import of shell mesh
[TR-16662] Slow deleting hexes in a block
[TR-16689] copy sideset with geometry not working as expected
[TR-16690] problem exporting STL
[TR-16698] Trouble sweeping along closed path
[TR-16705] Support spacial variables across block
[TR-16728] python commands in a custom toolbar button
[TR-16774] Cannot specify the angle for an ellipse
[TR-16776] Error messages causes Exceptionally Long Loop whilst saving cub file
[TR-16780] Framework side-connectivity error reading in primarily shell-element mesh
[TR-16783] Feature request for a client server lightweight viewer
[TR-16789] Degenerate element created
[TR-16790] mesh quality for free mesh
[TR-16800] imprint and merge not saved with ACIS file
[TR-16801] surface has no facets
[TR-16802] Intersect not behaving as expected
[TR-16803] get_last_id returning unexpected value
[TR-16811] get_entities & parse_cubit_list not consistent
[TR-16813] Undo not working after intersect
[TR-16814] volume all copy reflect causes degenerate elements
[TR-16820] Intersect produces unexpected error
[TR-16827] save a measured distance output for later usage
[TR-16831] Zoom to Fit not working
[TR-16842] Block names are not read correctly from stp import
[TR-16844] surface normal directions not preserved with copy reflect
[TR-16856] Incorrect details in list model
[TR-16858] Reversed surface will not mesh
[TR-16875] Undo of group creation and split surface crashes
[TR-16903] Volume Copy Reflect not working after mbg import
[TR-16910] Aligning cylindrical surfaces?
[TR-16923] Element count incorrect after removal of face
[TR-16925] MBG Export GUI panel is wrong
[TR-16927] Memory issue with tet refinement
[TR-16948] Select All not available in the Export Mesh~ Block ID(s) field
[TR-16949] Extra surfaces get transfered from Power Tools to main command panel
[TR-16952] Cannot import a genesis file from python with the cubit module
[TR-16960] Equivalence with 'in hex all' crashes Trelis
[TR-16965] Simplify command crashes Trels
[TR-17011] RGB value error slowing down cubit
[TR-17037] crash using multiple groups in setting scheme trimesh
[TR-17039] Tetmesher fails on composite surface
[TR-17085] bug in mesh scaling command panel
[TR-17089] Specifying two volume ranges to intersect does not work as expected
[TR-17110] uniform mesh refinement creates very high aspect ratio elements
[TR-17111] CNTRL-left mouse-drag doesn't select all entities
[TR-17112] No smooth option in import mesh geometry GUI panel
[TR-17113] Graphics clip not getting updated
[TR-17118] importing two cub files destroys the block in the first cub file
[TR-17119] Coincident triangle elements created after unmerging a surface
[TR-17139] Error in Grouping Specific Volumes within Coordinate Boundaries
[TR-17143] condition number smoother fails when discretizing a beam
[TR-17244] Measure results not displaying
[TR-17276] Error when specifying a zero degree rotation angle
[TR-17282] Bug in refine curve with tet meshing
[TR-17691] mesh_adapt hex8 to hex27 enrichment results in empty sidesets
[TR-17732] Quality Histogram window very small with new GUI
[TR-17936] Refine Volume fails with imprinted vertex
[TR-17940] import mesh geom creates too many surfaces
Trelis 16.5
Issue Description
[SM-421] Fix error in sideset/nodeset/block panels
[SM-436] Fixed Property Page horizontal scroll bar appearing even when sufficient room
[SM-854] Webcut option resets to Coordinate Plane
[SM-899] Fixed CFD BC Pickwidgets to allow picking of entities
[SM-903] Implement remaining CFD pick objects
[SM-1029] Cannot create a force on a node or face
[SM-1033] Add support for displaying wedges and pyramids in the Properties Page
[SM-1032] Fix Gambit Neutral File importer
[SM-1035] RLM Error messages - All Licenses in use
[SM-1039] Remove Sculpt panels from GUI
[SM-1040] Remove sculpt libraries from Trelis
[SM-1042] Restore "consolidate" option to Fluent export GUI
[SM-1043] Missing .trelis and .cub formats on the Import menu.
[SM-1044] Webcut - Surface panel is blank
[SM-1050] Remove Flathex and Flatwedge surface type in Analysis--Bock--Element Type
[SM-1051] Update Trelis to MeshGems 2.6
[SM-1053] Fixed the xml that removed the webcut/surface command panels
[SM-1054] Create a separate ITEM powertools docking window
[SM-1056] Created new Geometry Operation for geometry cleanup and preparation
[SM-1057] Fixed issue of ability to import trelis and cubit files and export to a .cub file
[SM-1058] Allow the creation of a surface from bounding curves to be respectful of tolerant vertices.
[SM-1059] Upgrade to VTK 8.0
[SM-1060] Fix error with picking of vertices when vertex visibility is off.
[SM-1061] Update to Qt 5.8 on Linux to be consistent with Mac and Windows
[SM-1062] Fix performance rendering silhouette lines for geometry in wireframe mode.
[SM-1063] Fix issue with histogram and color table not updating.
[SM-1064] Fix for graphical update error during fly-in.
[SM-1065] Fix crash when collapsing three valent nodes on output mesh.
[SM-1066] When hitting the 'n' key in the graphics window, listing counts now supports lite mesh.
Trelis 16.5.1
Issue Description
[SM-988] "Tab Next Possible Selection" works one time only.
[SM-1073] Add back Save Selected As on the File menu lost with Cubit merge
[SM-1077] Higher order nodes snapped to the wrong side of the composite
[SM-1084] Stitch panel uses wrong entity type in the command
[SM-1085] Improve handling of quality thresholds to use <=, >= instead of <, >
[SM-1087] Fix issues with entities being selected through geometry modifications and meshing operations
[SM-1088] GAMBIT Neutral exporter incorrectly exporting QUAD type surface mesh
[SM-1089] Refreshing the Tree toggles items between show and hide
[SM-1096] Fixed crash when locate command used without additional identifier
[SM-1098] Fix updating polygon lines for polygon selections
[SM-1099] Fix display of multiple hidden curves for composites
[SM-1067] Add functions to CubitInterface to get material name/id from a block
[SM-1078] Add 'draw' option to the "Find mesh intersection" command
[SM-1079] Remove 'mesh' keyword from 'find overlap' command
[SM-1080] Enhance the "measure {vol|surf} overlap" command to measure overlap between sheet bodies
[SM-1094] Display mesh lines when drawing a surface normal
[SM-1095] Fixing a crashing bug in the tree when changing cfd_bc types from one to another
Trelis 16.5.2
Issue Description
[SM-1076] Fixed libpng12 dependency issue in Linux packages
[SM-1103] Fixed incorrect Spline command issued from GUI
Trelis 16.5.3
Issue Description
[SM-1113] Fix GAMBIT importer and exporter to properly handle Z coordinate.
[SM-1107] Add Viewport meta tag in the header on the Help RoboHelp master page.
[SM-0000] Ajustments to RPM and Deb packages for RLM-Server.
[SM-0000] Fix to way update blocks, sidesets, and nodesets through modifications to avoid dereferencing geometry being deleted.
Trelis 16.5.4
Issue Description
[SM-582] Sideset loss when exporting.
[SM-634] Trelis crash on fillet radius preview.
[SM-890] RLM-Server command line activation error.

Trelis 30日間無償評価版

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Trelis is a trademark of Computational Simulation Software, LLC. All other trademarks cited here are the property of their respective owners.