
Trelis 16.1 新機能




csimsoft は、Trelis の優れたメッシング性能を、より手軽で直観的に使えることを目指しています。今回のTrelis 16.1 では、新機能としてSmart Meshing Tool をリリースしました。

ヘキサメッシングの複雑な手順をガイドするツールとして、Trelis はすでにITEM を備えていますが、このSmart Meshing Tool は、ヘキサ/テトラ/混合メッシュ生成のさらなる自動化を実現します。メッシング対象のボディ、優先するメッシュスキーム、スムージングの有無を指定したら、あとは実行ボタンを押すだけです。うまくいけば、高品質なメッシュを一度に生成することができます。

Auto Mesh Tool



 Mesh Scaling の更なる改良

Trelis 16.1 では、より機能的でロバストになった最新のMesh Scaling 機能をご利用いただけます。

Mesh Scaling GUI


 最新のtri/tet メッシャー

Trelis 16.1 では、Distene 社のMeshGems を統合しています。最新のメッシングテクノロジーが、複雑なジオメトリ上でのより良いメッシングを可能にします。

Mesh Gems




サーフェスメッシュのコピーコマンド/コマンドパネルが再設計され、よりロバストで正確、かつ柔軟になりました。ソース/ターゲットサーフェスに対し、対応するバーテックス(Interior Vertices) のペア/ループをいくつでも指定することができます。

Copy Mesh Surface






 IMPETUS エクスポート

IMPETUS Afea 社のIMPETUS Afea Solver は、陽解法の非線形有限要素シミュレーションシステムです。Trelis 16.1 では、IMPETUS メッシュフォーマットに対応しました。




 .trelis (HDF5) ファイルでの高次元要素

.trelis (HDF5)ファイル内での高次要素を、よりロバストに取り扱えるようになりました。






モデルツリーを再設計したことで、より能率的になっただけでなく、サードパーティによる複製が容易になりました。これにより、お客様のニーズに合わせたGUI の拡張が行いやすくなります。またコンテキストメニューシステムも改良を行い、より調和したユーザ体験を実現しています。

New Model Tree




ラバーバンド選択メニューに、新しく球選択機能が追加されました。ツールバーボタンを押して球選択モードにしたら、Ctrl キーを押しながら左クリックでマウスをドラッグします。

Sphere Selection



Trelis 16.1
Issue Description
[SM-616] Delete Boundary Layer from Properties Page Not Journaled
[SM-627] Crash in Beta when importing Parasolid model
[SM-679] Crash on Mac with El Capitan
[SM-750] Non-manifold geometry - Incorrect invalid mesh error - Bounding mesh has odd Euler characteristic
[SM-781] Include Trelis Direct Translators in the Trelis 16.1 installation package instead of separate package
[SM-801] Wrong pick widget type in Location dialog
[SM-809] New 16.0+ Tree has display problem after surface composite
[SM-810] Split curve command shows error message when using GUI
[SM-813] Fixed Export error - File name is not valid
[SM-814] Auto Mesh Progress window remains persistent over other program windows
[SM-807] Allow more ids in the pick widget
[SM-754] Add Impetus exporter
[SM-777] Add shortcuts between volume/create/from-bounding-surfaces and volume/modify/stitch
[SM-539] Update to Qt 5
[SM-640] Remove SpaceClaim component--not automatically loaded in Trelis
[SM-000] Smart Meshing Tool - see html documentation for details
[SM-000] Updated command panels to reflect updated Trelis commands
[SM-000] General bug fixes in Model Tree
[SM-000] Use global element ids for all mesh exporters
[SM-000] Complete rewrite of the surface mesh copy command making it more robust and extensible
[SM-000] Removed mesh scheme "mirror"
[SM-000] Added a "mirror" option to the scheme copy/morph command and GUI
[SM-000] Added an APREPRO function "GetMachineType" which returns "Microsoft Windows", "Linux" or "Darwin"
[SM-000] APREPRO "FileExists()" now accepts absolute paths in addition to relative paths
[SM-000] More robust tri and tet meshing
[SM-000] Improvement to Mesh Scaling
[SM-000] Added block option to the "create element revolve" command
[SM-000] Increased export support for higher-order tet, pyramid, and wedge elements
[SM-000] Rubberband selection in the graphics window now supports a 'sphere' selection mode
[SM-000] More robust handling of higher-order elements in .trelis (HDF5) files
Trelis 16.1.1
Issue Description
[SM-485] Isolate is slow with many entities
[SM-607] IDEAS exporter does not export boundary conditions and the associated sidesets
[SM-610] Not setting sizing function on surfaces before tetmeshing
[SM-615] Add Boundary Layer Visibility On/Off and toolbar button
[SM-617] Delete Boundary Layer All Command From GUI Error
[SM-619] Boundary layer skewed near curve
[SM-635] Exported Fluent Mesh Crashes Trelis When Importing Back Into Trelis
[SM-637] CFD Boundary condition cannot add a second surface after created, but can add two surfaces when created
[SM-672] Add topology color (like contour) for each entity
[SM-732] Swept surface doesn't create a meshed volume after surface swept in other direction
[SM-734] Trelis 16.0 Help Possible Missing Section?
[SM-786] Remove "unmeshed" keyword from the command help
[SM-791] Update the GUI for the abaqus export command
[SM-796] Boundary Layer fails when meshing cylinder within brick
[SM-799] Need to add new block element types to block/manage/element types command panel
[SM-818] Remove "translator not installed" error message
[SM-819] View Point keystoke Shft-F10 does not work
[SM-820] Support wedges in Abaqus exporter
[SM-821] Add GUI command panel to modify group colors
[SM-824] Tree crashing after webcut with tool body
[SM-828] Fix crash when using MoveNodeInteractor on 64 bit Windows
[SM-829] Fix display of higher order nodes on free mesh. Also double deletion of MoveNodeInteractor at shutdown.
[SM-830] Fix update of graphics after using non-fixed smoothers
[SM-831] Crash when faceting fails on a partitioned body.
[SM-832] Sweeping along a curve results in the swept surface normal and mesh face normal being in the opposite directions
[SM-833] Pickwidget color fix and combobox behavior
[SM-834] Model in graphics window loses transparency when rotating
[SM-835] List command error when displaying output for meshed volume/area with mixed meshes
[SM-836] Fix performance issue drawing block attributes when blocks contain mesh elements
[SM-837] Error when deleting edges related to sphere elements. Include sphere elements in a node's list.
[SM-838] Updated the GUI for the Abaqus exporter to support writing node files, element files, partial files, and flat files
[SM-839] Add new block element types (wedges, pyramids, tet15) into the command panel for blocks. Fixed the command line help string which included a typo and an unsupported element type.
[SM-840] New warning to suggest completing geometry operations before assigning blocks/performing operations that may destroy assigned entities
Trelis 16.1.2
Issue Description
[SM-549] Fix incorrect advanced options of Plane Location panel.
[SM-641] Sweep failure with boundary layer on brick with hole.
[SM-842] Make the graphics view hotkeys more visible to the user.
[SM-844] ACIS Attributes are not imported when using Import GUI.
[SM-847] Extended Selection UI elements persist.
[SM-850] Extended Selection Load dialog changes folder on Cancel. Fix to keep current folder.
[SM-856] Fixed No Disk error when launching Trelis, USB drive search.
Trelis 16.1.3
Issue Description
[SM-858] Tree not updating properly after importing CATIA V5 models.
[SM-859] Update the graphics view hotkey list in the context menu.

Trelis 30日間無償評価版

  Trelis が世界中のエンジニアに選ばれている理由をご自分で確かめてみませんか?


Trelis is a trademark of Computational Simulation Software, LLC. All other trademarks cited here are the property of their respective owners.